I first came up with the slogan "make the earth a better place to grow" directly targeting the consumer who cares and makes choices not just based on the bottom line but on the health of the earth, and is not just concerned about the food he/she grows for their family but the contribution he/she makes to heal and nourish the earth's garden as a whole. This clientele would be more upscale, concerned with the ingredients and the quality of the product but also very much in tune with the visual appeal that would speak directly to them and not to the "miracle gro" clientele. This bag was intended for the conscientious gardener who wants the best product out there and the visual to match it. I wanted the imagery to exemplify something precious that needed hand coddling and would be susceptible to harm, should the gardener not take the time and money needed to care for it properly. The new gardener had to be knowledgeable, enlightened, and spiritual.